Índice de Contenidos


Un Curso OCW de la ULL


Extensiones de GitHub Command Line para la Educación


Introducción a gh

Véase las notas en GitHub Command Line Interface

Uso de GitHub Classroom con GitHub CLI

Instale la extensión GitHub Classroom para gh:

gh extension install github/gh-classroom

o actualícela:

gh extension upgrade classroom

Esta es la ayuda:

$ gh classroom --help
A GitHub Classroom CLI

  classroom [command]

Available Commands:
  accepted-assignments List your student's accepted assignments
  assignment           Show the details of an assignment
  assignment-grades    Download a CSV of grades for an assignment in a classroom
  assignments          Display a list of assignments for a classroom
  clone                Clone starter code or a student's submissions
  completion           Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help                 Help about any command
  list                 List classrooms
  view                 Show the details of a classroom

  -h, --help   help for classroom

Use "classroom [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ gh classroom list --help
List of classrooms you own

  classroom list [flags]

  list, ls

$ gh classroom list --page 1

  -h, --help           help for list
      --page int       Page number (default 1)
      --per-page int   Number of classrooms per page (default 30)
      --web            Open the classroom list in a browser

Por ejemplo:

➜  2122ocw gh classroom list --page 4 | grep 2324
185636  ULL-ESIT-DMSI-2324                             https://classroom.github.com/classrooms/143794118-ull-esit-dmsi-2324
185748  ULL-MII-SYTWS-2324                             https://classroom.github.com/classrooms/144119227-ull-mii-sytws-2324

Si queremos clonar los repos de los estudiantes para una asignación debemos usar el comando gh classroom clone:

practicas-alumnos gh classroom clone student-repos -a 482607      
Creating directory:  /Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/2324/dmsi2324/practicas-alumnos/aprender-markdown-submissions
Cloning into: /Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/2324/dmsi2324/practicas-alumnos/aprender-markdown-submissions/aprender-markdown-casiano-rodriguez-leon-alu0100291865

Sin embargo, si se pretende clonar repos de asignaciones por nombre la extensión gh-cli-for-education/gh-org-clone es mas adecuada.

gh-cli en la Enseñanza

La idea del proyecto gh-cli en la Enseñanza viene reflejada en el texto en esta publicación en las discussions de Global Campus Teachers:

In August 24 2021 GitHub Cli introduced gh cli extensions, allowing anyone to make custom commands that build on the core functionality of GitHub CLI.

During the first term of this course 2021/2022 I have been benefitting of many GitHub Cli extensions written by others and sometimes by myself, that assisted me in my daily teaching work managing the associated GitHub Organizations and GitHub classroom assignments.

To foster the writing of gh cli extensions targeted to teachers I have created a the GitHub Organization called gh-cli-for-education. If you are a teacher or a student that uses GitHub, is familiar with GitHub Cli and fell you can help with this goal, please join the organization! (send me an issue) or comment here.

Looking forward for people that will be willing to lead the way in this direction

la idea es desarrollar un conjunto de extensiones gh que faciliten los tareas de la comunidad educativa que usa GitHub en su día a día.

Ejemplos de Evaluación Asistida desde la línea de comandos

Reproduzca los ejemplos en la sección evaluación asistida desde la línea de comandos y elabore un informe con lo aprendido.


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All the work in this pages (including PDFs authored by us) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.